Helping employees with chronic pain in their self-care routine

Sep - Dec 2021
(15 weeks)
UX design,
User research
Mona Luo
Yazhen Zhang
Young Kim (myself)
Johnson & Johnson
Sean Ferry (J&J)
Roger Mader
Criswell Lappin

Toogether is a mobile app that companies can use to motivate their employees to manage chronic pain. It features accountability groups and offers monetary rewards for completing challenges.

1st Place in Strategic Innovation in Product & Service Design class  (Fall 2021)

ABOUT Project

My team worked with Johnson & Johnson to tackle the issue of chronic pain in the US with product & service design in 15 weeks

My Role
Challenge prompt from

How might we enable those that manage chronic pain to increase compliance in their care routine by maximizing their physical and mental wellbeing?


Asking the right question: to narrow down the scope and develop a feasible problem statement

The challenge prompt from our sponsor appeared to be broad, as there are a variety of chronic pains and corresponding care routines.

DEfine - Context Research

We decided to focus on employees who have chronic pain. Chronic pain associated with work has been a severe problem, and it needs the spotlight

Original Challenge prompt

How might we enable those that manage chronic pain to increase compliance in their care routine by maximizing their physical and mental wellbeing?

revised Challenge prompt

How might we help employees who have chronic pain complete their care routines?


We conducted 10 qualitative user interviews to discover their needs and obstacles

DIscover - Expert INTERVIEW

We interviewed 3 industry experts to understand the market and explore opportunities from the company and product side

Interview highlights

Our goal is to increase user’s engagement to keep them motivated to complete daily care routine


We aim to change behavior by uplifting users’ motivation and lowering the action threshold through social and monetary incentives

People only start to take their chronic pain seriously when it gets unbearable. However, their motivation goes up and down due to their work and life schedule and condition. When their pain gets better, the motivation goes down, and they abandon the healthy routine.

DEsign - charge motivation

To motivate users, we are using monetary incentives in combination with loss aversion

People only start to take their chronic pain seriously when it gets unbearable. However, their motivation goes up and down due to their work and life schedule and condition. When their pain gets better, the motivation goes down, and they abandon the healthy routine.


Join accountability groups based on users' pain
Receive tokens from their companies
Bet tokens when joining a group
Earn them back if a challenge is completed

DEsign - Storyboard & testing

We created a storyboard to demonstrate Toogether's use case and key features and tested with target users

We presented the storyboard to 4 people for their opinions. They expressed disapproval of having employees bet their own money to join challenges and were also concerned about the privacy issue. Therefore, we decided to have companies pay their employees tokens to join challenges, as employers would be willing to pay as long as the ROI is positive, and anonymize users in community forums.

Main Features

Personalize challenges and communities

Easily log in with SSO and fill in a brief questionnaire about your chronic pain to get personalized


Find challenges that suit your pain

Suitable challenges are recommended based on your condition, each lasting for 2-4 weeks


Bet tokens to join challenges

Receive tokens from your company every month and use them to join challenge groups


Complete challenge and win the tokens

If you complete a challenge, you earn back the tokens you have bet and can redeem them for real money


Share and receive advice

Connect with your colleagues anonymously to ask for advice and share your own tips for managing pains

DEploy - Success criteria

The success of our product will be measured by participation and challenge completion rates


User testing allowed us to incorporate missing points

Our original plan was to let employees bet their own money to join the challenge. While testing with users using our storyboard, we received negative feedback on employees being required to pay to use a corporate wellness program. It was a valid point that we missed to consider, so we changed our solution to let companies provide tokens for their employees.


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